6 Easy Steps to Repairing Sliding Door Rollers

All sliding doors have two doors. One slides on rollers and the other doesn't. The rollers are positioned at the sliding door's bottom to facilitate smooth sliding during opening and closing. Unfortunately, these sliding rollers can be damaged anytime. Consequently, it becomes difficult or even impossible to operate the sliding door. This damage, therefore, calls for sliding door repair. In such circumstances, you have two options for repairing the rollers. You can either hire a handyman to offer professional roller repair services or do it yourself.

If you opt to repair the rollers yourself, then be prepared to spend some time to do it. Also, you need some technical skills and an inclination to do it yourself. This post shares six easy steps to enable you to fix a sliding door's rollers. Keep reading to discover and apply these steps.

First Step 

Start your sliding door repair by lubricating the malfunctioning rollers. Also, remove all accumulated debris hindering the door's free sliding.

Second Step  

Adjusting the rollers is necessary if the door is wobbling or sticking while sliding along the track. You have to check for the door's small holes at its top and bottom rollers. Then, insert a screwdriver in all the holes and turn them anticlockwise to expand them if the door has loosened. If the roller door is stuck, turn its rollers clockwise.

Third Step  

Lifting the sliding door's bottom is the next step to take to remove the rollers from the rail. Next, pull the damaged door down and away from the rail to loosen the upper rollers. 

Fourth Step  

Inspecting the damaged rollers and replacing broken, cracked or worn ones is the next step you have to take. 

Fifth Step  

If the door's tracks are damaged or worn out, unscrew the screws along the door's bottom and top doorway. Next, replace the tracks and fasten the screws to hold them tightly. 

Sixth Step  

Lastly, bend bottom rollers toward you and fix the upper rollers in the top rail before reinstalling the sliding door. Then, lower the lower bottom side of the sliding door until you notice its rollers snapping in the sliding door's lower rail.

Although roller repair services are necessary for sliding door repair, you can still fix it yourself if you have the time and technical skills. The process is easy if you follow the steps shared in this post. Try to apply them next time your sliding door's rollers get damaged.  
